7 Strategies to Drive Your Company's Digital Salesforce Adoption

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Without the help of platforms such as Salesforce, sales teams spend 34% of their time actually selling . Why? They struggle to keep up with the other mundane tasks of the job, such as data entry and quote generation.

Even after companies work hard to implement digital Salesforce adoption during training and onboarding, there are still questions that arise during the process. Unfortunately, having a Salesforce strategy in place sometimes isn’t enough.

Instead, it makes sense to drive Salesforce adoption by utilizing a documentation platform with extensions that provide you with training tips in any application. It makes life easier for your employees and guides them through questions and concerns.

On top of that, however, what else can you do? Here are seven strategies to drive your company’s adoption of Salesforce software. It’ll help make training, onboarding, and even everyday tasks easier for your sales team.

1. Develop a Salesforce Strategy for Onboarding

Developing a strategy for onboarding and training is crucial. And, it should always be complemented by post-training resources. These resources should ensure employees always understand what Salesforce software is and how to use it.

Part of an onboarding strategy includes figuring out what third-party applications you’ll be using to go with Salesforce. Integrating other applications into a sales team’s workflow is crucial in setting them up for success. Think about this early and often.

Think about the functions and features they need to succeed and how you can provide then with the tools to facilitate that success. Then, update those tools as often as necessary for constant improvement.

Companies that adopt technology such as Spekit find that it offers their sales representatives a constant stream of support. And, this is both during and after the onboarding process. This makes it easy to learn how to use Salesforce.

2. Automate Salesforce Tasks

Most sales representatives spend just over a third of their time selling because they have to tackle other tasks such as data entry. This is a waste of their time and, up until recently, it’s been a necessary burden of the job.

However, Salesforce allows you to automate tasks. This is to ensure a more streamlined process for everybody involved.

How? Start early with documentation integration.

You should be able to enjoy one-click integration during the onboarding process. Also, it should automatically map your documentation to where it belongs in Salesforce.

And, that’s just the beginning of it all. Automate everything from transferring data from an email chain into the software to embedding knowledge into the very framework of daily tasks and processes such as browsing on Google Chrome.

3. Customize Training Documents

Training new employees is difficult enough. You’re introducing them to new jargon, technology, and even workflow processes. To make Salesforce adoption easier, customize your training documents to fit your business needs and goals.

This ensures that your employees will be able to understand the value of each function as it relates to their job role specifically. Implement this customization across all documentation, including learning sequences, and PDF training manuals.

A tool like Spekit makes this easy, offering you free customizable training material that ensures you don’t have to start from scratch. Build on what’s offered and tailor it to fit the needs of your employees in order to meet expectations and goals .

4. Have Leadership Demonstrate the Value of Digital Salesforce Adoption

Salesforce notes that buy-in from management is crucial from the beginning. Ensure that your leadership team understands the value of Salesforce so they can effectively communicate that to employees.

However, simply communicating the value isn’t enough. You’ll also want them to demonstrate that they know how to effectively master the platform and harness its power.

To accomplish this, have them engage in activities such as reviewing Salesforce metrics instead of asking for reports in PDF format, making adopting metrics a part of weekly meetings, and collaborating via the platform itself.

5. Implement Adoption Measures Everywhere

With software updates and changes in the business world occurring nearly constantly, it’s easy to see how salespeople and employees, in general, can forget how to use something or be slow to adopt a new update feature.

To make life easier on everybody, implement adoption measures everywhere and caters to different learning styles. This means using videos, documents, and other types of media to help users navigate the software.

Integrate this with a digital adoption platform that allows you to enjoy things such as a Lightning Component, Outlook Extension, and Slack integrations. Wherever your employee is working, they should be just one click away from answers.

6. Make Salesforce Easy to Use

It’s going to be hard to get employees to buy into a Salesforce adoption process if you don’t make the software easy for them to use.

While we’ve essentially been talking about ways to make it easier for employees to use, the best way to find out is to simply ask them.

Figure out which areas your employees are struggling with and work to provide them with more comprehensive training documents and integrations.

Install an extension in Outlook to make accessing content from an inbox easier. Or, provide them with a data dictionary to make managing Salesforce definitions easier, there are ways that you can allow them to almost enjoy learning the software.

7. Install a Digital Adoption Platform

The easiest way to drive your company’s digital Salesforce adoption? Install a digital adoption platform to help you do the heavy lifting. Spekit was built by sales professionals, so we understand the challenges you face.

Spekit is the only Salesforce Certified Partner that works to embed knowledge into the Salesforce process to help you do things like build training processes, facilitate onboarding, drive adoption, and help you stay up to date with changes.

About the author

Melanie Fellay
CEO & Co-founder
Mel is a Forbes 30 under 30 recipient, a Top 100 Female Entrepreneur to Watch, and has been featured across Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and more.
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